Saturday, August 6, 2011

pain and stiffness in hands for years

40 yr old female patient came to my office due to a variety of symptoms including chronic stomach acid which causes sharp pain in upper part of her stomach and stiffness and pain in her hands. in addition she has herniated disks at L 3 4 5 levels.

her chief complaint is pain in her hands. her fingers are so swollen she cant even wear rings that she used to wear. pain is worse in the morning and in addition she feels so stiff in all joints especially in her hands and fingers.

other signs and symptoms include nausea, stomach acid (worse with certain food) spitting out phlegm (sticky yellow) in the morning, asthma, dark circles around eyes, itchiness in the ears, appetite is fine but she experiences gas and distention in her stomach often. she also has a chronic history of vertigo.

in the past her doctors diagnosed her case Multiple Sclerosis, Acid Regurgitation, herniated disk and so on.

Tx: Sp 3 -

her stomach and hands got better immediately. added sp 9-.

James Jung L Ac

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