Sunday, July 10, 2011

glaucoma cases

Patient with chronic glaucoma and she also shows  TCM liver signs and constipation

such as red eyes, under high level of stress, shoulder stiffness and pain ...

when it rains she feels so tired and lethargic HBP thick white tongue coat.

she also suffers from abdomenial distention with gas which is worse with carbohydrates. Frequent urination esp at night.

First week. LV 1+ LU 8 - made her feel better in her abdomen but she felt the same in her eyes.

second week she states she goes to the bathroom better but eyes are still the same

St 36 - (to tonify UB) she felt a little better in her abdomen but no change in her eye pressure.

St 36 + makes her abdomen much better and eye felt better (less pressure)
added GB 41 -

after 20 min patient says she could open her eye more wide and feels much less pressure in her eyes.

according to Master Waloh, tonification of UB channel is used. points are UB 67 + LI 1 + ST 36 - UB 40 - but not this case.

James Jung L Ac

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