Wednesday, April 27, 2011

mortons neuroma II

50 yr old female came due to pain in her left foot for 1 year. she says this pain comes and goes but recently it got worse. no other s/s but she is a ST/SP deficient type patient.

upon palpation pain is located on the plantar side of her left foot (at the level of UB 65) between the little and #4 toe.

after needling Wu Hu # 3 pain is still the same. upon palpation tenderness was found around Ren 12 area.

then St 41 + and GB 41 - stomach pain (Rent 12) was gone along with her foot pain.

it seems Wu Hu #3 didn't work because there was stagnation in the stamach (ren 12 area)
this is why (i think) classic text books like the Treasure of Eastern Medicine advises to treat the food stagnation first if it is present. this case is interesting because I have treated a numerous foot pain cases due to morton's neuroma using Wu Hu #3 alone.

James Jung L Ac