Friday, December 4, 2009

swelling and pain in knee for 10 yrs

50 yr old female patient with chronic left knee pain for 10 yrs. the whole left knee joint is swollen (about 2x bigger than right knee) pain is worse when she walks. sharp pain is induced even with slight pressure all around the joint.

pain is worse with cold weather and fatigue

s.s: cold body temp., without thirst prefers summer Heart murmur, currently experiencing post menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, poor digestion slight epigastric distention after meals, acid reflux, edema (knee)

tx: kd 10 - pain was reduced somewhat. then LV 1 + HT 9 +
knee pain is much better. pain was induced when pressed hard but no pain with slight or moderate pressure.

upon second visit pain was still less than 1st visit and swelling is down by about 20%

patient said walking became easier.

she had about 5 treatments with the same points but some days seem better than other days and relief doesn't last.

Tx: PC 6 opposite side. patient says this tx is much better than tonifying ht tx.

James Jung L Ac

Thursday, December 3, 2009

is this LI channel sign/symptom ?

classic text books mention "swollen glands" or cysts below ear a lot when they talk about LI channel s/s.

recently a patient came with swelling (with diameter of 1/2 in) near SI 19 and 1 cun below it.
patient had chronic headache (she had it for about 20 yrs) and pain in neck. (primarily on her right side)
upon palpation she had pain all around TMJ (right) and GB 20 UB 10 (right) area along with GB and SI channels in her right shoulder area. she shows some SI s/s along with the "swelling"

TX: st 36 + --> she felt better in GB 20 UB 10 area but some pain remained. SJ 17 SI 19 area was still painful.
LI 5- SI5 - her shoulder pain and jaw pain improved about 50%.

on her second visit, swelling is down about 60% and pain improved about 50%.

was that LI channel sign? or just swelling from TMJ syndrome?

pain in calf

1. GB point (Tong)

2. Cha bak (Tong-1 cun lateral to Luo zen)

3. UB 61 Through UB 64

4. ST 36 + or -

#1 if patient shows GB signs and symptoms
#2 #3 can be used anytime #2 is more convinient and works great.
#4 is related to UB channel and it doesnt seem to work otherwise.

chronic neck pain

30 yr old male patient who works in front of computer all day came due to chronic neck pain. he states he received physical therapy for 4 months but it just alleviates pain for a few days. for that reason he wants to try acupuncture.

he also tried acupuncture and when asked where he was needled he says he got ashi points with estim which didnt really do anything.

s/s: thin body type low voice slight insomina pain is located GB 20 21. SI channel is not affected. no palpitation no cold hands or feet w/o nausea no anxiety or stress. upon palpation, c 5 area is tender as well as GB 21 bilaterally.

Tx: Left GB 43 + (since pain is worse on his right side)

pain disappeared immediately.
(would wen dan tang work for this type of pain?)

James Jung L Ac

after knee surgery

50 yr old female patient came in due to knee ongoing pain for 3 months. she had torn ligament in her left knee (near st 35). pain is sharp and constant ... worse when she walks.

s.s. none. tongue is purple.

tx: (blood stasis) sp 3+ li 11-

pain is 50%better tongue is less purple after tx.

(she said pain is not worse at night but it is due to surgery and tongue is purple.)