Saturday, March 6, 2010

pain in shoulder (deltoid)

35 yr old female patient came due to chronic pain in her right shoulder (deltoid). she is very athletic and often injures her right shoulder. upon exam all s/s are negative.

tx: left side giun joon

then added (sang gok and woon bak) for anterior and post delt.

pain was gone after these three needles.

another case

40 yr old muscular male patient. cc. pain in deltoid (right side). he is left handed and forced to use right hand a lot when he is playing some sports. pain is severe in the morning he cant raise his right arm in the morning. he has to take a hot shower for 20 min to loosen up the muscle. other s/s negative.

pain is located along Li channel.

tx gieun joong

after two tx pain diappeared.

patient says he thought it was not possible to get rid of that pain.

pain in ear for 2 days

50 yr old female. thin body type. she says she suffers from occasional pain in her left ear which is triggered by fatigue. up on the exam, she has pain in her neck along gb 20 and 21 area.

s/s slight bitter taste in mouth sleepy sensation around 4 5 pm thirst (for cool drinks) (diarrhea or loose stool when stressed) and frequent urine when anxious. red eyes when she tired palpitations once in 2-3 months once in a while difficult to fall asleep due to over thinking. warm hands and feet. sweating in Ren 14 and upper back area when she is anxious. she feels like her whole body tightens up when she is under stress.

digestion is fine.

she works out 5 days a week and she feels lighter after workouts.

tx lv 2 - (reducing by 4 turns) neck pain is much better and pain in ear disappears

ht 8 - neck pain is gone. (reducing by needling against the channel)

after the treatment she states she feels like ren 15 14 areas are open.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

facial paralysis for 1 yr

50 yr old female patient came to my office due to left facial paralysis for 1 yr. she is thin and around that time she was tired from overworking at job. and had a big argument with her family member on the phone the night before she had this facial paralysis.

s.s stressed anxious dizziness (standing from sitting position) cold hands and feet sweaty hands and feet + arm pit hate cold weather but loves summer no thirst

no palpitation. urination is fine no bowel problems.

blurry vision

stiffness in neck

on the first day she got this facial paralysis she had so much pain in her eyes in additon to vertex headache. + sensitive to sound and light

abdomen pain when palpated around navel and low jiao.

tx. lv 1 + kd 10 -

facial paralysis improved about 30% and abdomen pain disappeared completely

so far she came three times. each time she comes in she received Lv 1+ KD 10 - HT 3-

pain in abdomen improved about 30% or so. however, the paralysis is just a slightly better.

Tx: (added) bleeding the interior wall of mouth (same side)

according to four needle txt and dr youngs book st 36 can be used for facial paralysis. I will keep treating her with the same treatment for 4 more visits before making any changes in the acupuncture formula.
James Jung L Ac

golfers pain

40 yr old male patient came due to chronic right shoulder and right elbow pain. pain is located along SI and LI channels

upon palpation, SI 11 UB 10, 11 GB 20 21 LI 14 LI 11 LI 10 areas are tender and painful. elbow pain seemed to be due to tendonitis he plays golf everyday for 3 hrs.

no other s/s

tx: gien joong for deltoid

LI 11 opposite side for the tendonitis in right elbow

ling ku for LI 10 muscle pain

SI 3 for shouder pain along si channels.

80% improvement after this treatment

(would LI 5 - SI 5 - work better?)

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knee pain after arthroscopic surgery for 1 yr

40 yr old male patient suffers from bilateral knee pain for 1 yr. he states he had an arthroscopic surgery 1 yr ago then this knee pain came. pain is located along UB channels in the knees and rom is limited: flex 90 degrees with extreme pain on both sides.

tx shin guan

rom improved 100 % no more pain but slight stiffness remained.

dx blood stasis in knee due to surgery

after 2 visits pain and rom improved about 80%