Saturday, May 30, 2009

nausea for many days = (

45 yr old female patient complained of nausea for 1 wk or so. she is very health otherwise.
there is stomach distension. she does not throw up.

s.s: slightly less appetite, Ren 14 and 12 area are tender upon pressure. low energy. diarrhea.

TX: sp 4 - (she feels a just little better)

Sp1 Lv1 - Sp 2 HT 8 +

tenderness in Ren 12 14 are gone. patient states she feels much better and less gassy n bloated in stomach.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

different frozen shouder cases

case #1: 60 yr old thin female suffers from right shoulder pain for 3 months ever since she fainted which made her fall on the ground. since then she states it is extremely painful (worse at night) and cold so she cant sleep at night. she had tried ashi points at a different acupuncture clinic which failed to improve her condition.

she has been going through lots of stress in life for the last 6 months. ROM abduction is restricted. 0--70 with severe pain. sleeping is fine. digestion is fine. palpitation with stress and anxiety. cold hands and feet.

Tx: Sp 3 + LI 11 - ROM improved about 5 degrees.

then Si 2 - UB 66 - Si 3 + GB 41 +

so far she came 3 times. she says her coldness and pain in her right shoulder have improved a lot so she can sleep at night. ROM is still restricted with relatively less pain at 0--100 degrees.

case # 2: 45 yr old with frozen shoulder for 6 months. all s/s are negative except for st dampness.

TX: ST 41 +
patient's shoulder improved about 10 % after treatment.

differentiation is the key!!!

calf pain/spasms

so far treated numerous calf pain and spasms. most of the cases was GB deficiency which I was able to treat with GB 43 + and LI 1 - or some master tong points.

a wk ago patient came and complained her calf pain is not getting better. she added her left calf and foot become extremely cold at night which is followed by extreme spasms in her left calf. I have treated her with GB 43 + before and obviously it is not helping her much.

s/s: severe case of insomnia, palpitation, anxiety, stress, severe pain in low back and knees which all get better with warmth.

Dx: GB excess cold.

Tx: GB 43 - UB 66 - (it is important to note that we cant really memorize acupunture points or formulas. even though most of such calf cases can be treated with GB 43 + in this case there is cold factor so GB 43 was seduced. patient states she feels about 50% better.)

I recommended Wen Dan Tang (warming gall bladder decoction) but patient refused to take herbs.

James Jung L Ac

another dampness case

40 yr old female patient came due to stiffness in her left leg along Liver meridian for many wks. her main symptom was heaviness all over her body which is much worse with humidity such as rainy weather.

s/s: slight indigestion (slight distention after meals w.o. pain or diarrhea) appetite is good. achy body and heaviness that is worse with high humidity. all liver s/s are negative. as paitient is raising her left leg on the treatment table she complains of stiffness and moderate pain.
Ren 12 was painful upon palpation.

Tx: ST 41 + patient says left leg feels much lighter and pain is gone.

(perhaps I should have tried to tonify sp since it is due to internal dampness)
she came back and told me leg is still much better. 2nd tx. LV 1 SP 1- SP 2 + Ht 8+