Monday, April 4, 2011

SCM pain for a few weeks

(SCM is Sternocleidomastoid muscle as shown in the picture.)

30 year old female patient came to my office due to pain in her neck for a few weeks. she works as a therapist and uses her upper limbs a lot at work. pain is sharp and constant and worse after work.

Pain is located on the left side of her neck near GB 20 (that is located at the base of the skull or posterior hair line) and pain radiates down to her left SCM. upon palpation, the whole left side of her neck was painful.

she also suffers from joint pain (shoulder and elbows) insomnia (waking up frequently at night) anxiety palpitation but no urination or defication problems. she is slightly over-weight. digestion is fine except for nausea at times.

treatment GB 43 with tonification method (left side) Pain in the neck including SCM disappeared after 15 minutes.

i told her Gall Bladder meridian has problems due to her anxiety and she agreed she has lots of anxiety issues.

James Jung L Ac

Severe Headache for 2 days (behind eyes)

"Can you help me?" was the first thing she told me. She suffers from an acute headache for two days along with nausea. Pain is sharp and is located right behind her right eye. She tells me she never had this type of headache before and adds she has been under so much stress for the last few days.

When her stomach is pressed she felt pain around Ren 14 and 12 (abdomen). she also has some insomnia (difficult to fall asleep) palpitation, itchiness around right eye, dry mouth and recently redness in both eyes.

In addition she suffers from chronic constipation (going only 2-3x a week.) her energy is low and so as her voice tone.


first SP 3 with reducing method (left side) --> nausea is gone. then LV 1 with reducing method --> headache slightly improves finally LV 2 with reducing method along with KD 10 with tonificaion method (Kd 10 added because she later adds she has some dizziness when she quickly gets up from sitting position and night blindness) headache totally GONE!!!

James Jung L Ac