Saturday, July 7, 2012

Chronic Asthma

40 year old male with chronic asthma.  He complains of stuffy feeling in his chest when he breathes in deep which gets worse during winter and high humidity (like today. It is 103 F and humid in NYC)

He is slightly over weight.

S/S  abdominal distention after meals.  no constipation. No joint pain or stiffness. No stress.
TX:  LU 8 -  LV 1 +

The stuffiness in his chest decreased.  Diet plan was given.

James Jung L Ac

Osteoporosis and pain in legs

80 year old female patient with moderate pain in bilateral legs (worse in thighs) Patient tells me she has mild osteoporosis according to her doctor and receives shots periodically due to this pain. 
She feels so cold in her legs and explains her pain is due to "cold" It feels like a numb pain when you put a block of ice on your skin.

other signs and symptoms

Frequent urination (she gets up twice at night to urinate) Palpitation due to anxiety and stress
Stomache acid and indigestion due stress and anxiety
Sleeping disorder-difficult to fall asleep and lots of dreams
Thin bodytype
Cold hands and legs (legs are much worse)
Fatigue/joint stiffness esp when its damp and cold
Frequent dizzy spells (she feels like she will faint when it happens)
No appetite
Abdominal bloating (worse with stress)

Tx: R) KD 10 - R) SP 3+      her cold sensation decreased in the leg (left leg) and the dull pain disappeared.

R) LV 1 + 

James Jung L Ac

Friday, July 6, 2012

strange foot and angle pain for 2 years

50 year old female patient with somewhat strange foot pain.  Pain is located in her right foot and ankle. She never had any injuries to her foot or ankle. Gradual onset. Pain is worse with pressure and activities and touch. She was creaming when i was examining her foot with my hand due to pain.

History of Lupus 1980s and total hysterectomy  and total hip replacement (right)

Patient is slightly obese.  Thick white tongue coat Abdominal distention. occasional stomach acid.
Severe sleeping problems. she cant fall asleep and wakes up many times throughout the night. Pain is worse with cold damp weather.

Itchy skin near ears and face. No cold or hot s/s. 

Tx: LI 1- GB 41+ St 45 -

on her second visit she tells me it feels a lot better and she can walk better. right foot is no longer painful to touch or pressure.

James Jung L Ac

frozen shoulder - adhesive capsulitits cases

case 1
65 year old male patient was referred to my clinic for his right shoulder pain (frozen shoulder). He has been suffering from it for 1 year and had some physical therapy and shots for his pain.

other signs and symptoms: frequent urination at night;he gets up every two hours at night to urinate. Hearing loss in bilateral ears (started 2-3 years ago) abdominal distention after meals. history of gall bladder removal. No problems with sleeping. He does not look anxious or stressed. For the last 2-3 years he has been suffering from constipation, occasional bilateral ringing in the ears.  abdomen is painful to touch esp along Ren 15 -> Ren 8. 

prefers fall.  no hot/cold s/s.

Tx: L Kd 3- Sp 3- LU8 + KD 7 +

ROM of right shoulder improved and pain was significantly better along with pressure pain along the Ren line.

case 2.

50 year old male patient with frozen shoulder for 3 years. ROM is limited. abd 0-70 with moderate pain.

He wakes up twice at night to urinate.  Libido is low. Low Voice tone. Fatigue.

Tx: L Kd 3- Sp 3- LU8 + KD 7 +

ROM improved by 10 degrees.

James Jung L Ac