Friday, July 6, 2012

frozen shoulder - adhesive capsulitits cases

case 1
65 year old male patient was referred to my clinic for his right shoulder pain (frozen shoulder). He has been suffering from it for 1 year and had some physical therapy and shots for his pain.

other signs and symptoms: frequent urination at night;he gets up every two hours at night to urinate. Hearing loss in bilateral ears (started 2-3 years ago) abdominal distention after meals. history of gall bladder removal. No problems with sleeping. He does not look anxious or stressed. For the last 2-3 years he has been suffering from constipation, occasional bilateral ringing in the ears.  abdomen is painful to touch esp along Ren 15 -> Ren 8. 

prefers fall.  no hot/cold s/s.

Tx: L Kd 3- Sp 3- LU8 + KD 7 +

ROM of right shoulder improved and pain was significantly better along with pressure pain along the Ren line.

case 2.

50 year old male patient with frozen shoulder for 3 years. ROM is limited. abd 0-70 with moderate pain.

He wakes up twice at night to urinate.  Libido is low. Low Voice tone. Fatigue.

Tx: L Kd 3- Sp 3- LU8 + KD 7 +

ROM improved by 10 degrees.

James Jung L Ac

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