Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for 3 years

40 yr old female with BMI 25 came to my office due to numbness in her hands and fingers on and off for about 3 years.  According to her medical doctors it is due to carpal tunnel syndrome.  Patient didn't want to get an operation but try some acupuncture first.

Right hand is worse than her left. Thumb, index finger and pinky  are affected (constantly numb) and it wakes her up at night.

other signs and symptoms

Stressful job/life; she gets angry a lot lately; orthostatic hypotension along with momentary blurry vision; abdominal fullness/bloating after eating certain food; frequent urination (overactive bladder)

No watery eyes, no sinus issues


LV 1 + SP 1+      after 15min numbness in her right hand was lowered by 50% according to the patient.

Trigeminal Neuralgia for a few years

50 yr old female with BMI 28  According to her medical doctor she suffers from trigeminal neuralgia.  Her pain is located right side of her face in/around the masseter muscle.  Pain is worse when she chews and talks. Her dentist states it is not due to her gum or teeth. Pain is extremely sharp: 10/10.

Other signs and symptoms

Occasional slow digestion with abdominal bloating; occasional watery eyes (when exposed to wind); sinusitis


Sp 3 - Kd 3 -
Lu 8 +

so far she has come in for 6 visits and her pain level is 0 to 1. Now she can eat solid food (she used to drink juices and other drinks only due to pain)

advised 2 more visits
