Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Trigeminal Neuralgia for a few years

50 yr old female with BMI 28  According to her medical doctor she suffers from trigeminal neuralgia.  Her pain is located right side of her face in/around the masseter muscle.  Pain is worse when she chews and talks. Her dentist states it is not due to her gum or teeth. Pain is extremely sharp: 10/10.

Other signs and symptoms

Occasional slow digestion with abdominal bloating; occasional watery eyes (when exposed to wind); sinusitis


Sp 3 - Kd 3 -
Lu 8 +

so far she has come in for 6 visits and her pain level is 0 to 1. Now she can eat solid food (she used to drink juices and other drinks only due to pain)

advised 2 more visits


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