Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hip pain

65 year old female patient with chronic hip pain. She is limping even with her cane and tells me she is in excruciating pain in her right hip joint. Her previously had a left hip replacement surgery and recently her medical doctor told her she needs a hip replacement but she wants to try something else first.

signs and sypmtoms

sightly overweight; she doest look Liver type person, she wakes up a few time a night. palpitations, wake up to urinate once at night. no cold or hot symptoms except her feet get cold at times. Right hip pain is located along GB channel (side of thigh) pain is worse with walking.

ST 36 + GB 41 - (left foot)

with two treatments patient could wak without cane. (UB excess Korean four needle tech)

James Jung L Ac

Friday, March 30, 2012

Heel Spur

35 yr old female patient came to my office due to severe heel pain for 1 yr. pain is located in her left heel and her doctor diagnosed as heel spur.

signs and sypmtoms
frequent urination (including 1-2 time at night) asthma SOB slightly overweight no cold or hot symptoms.

treatment: sp 3- kd 3- lu 8+

instant relief of pain and ROM immediately improved.

James Jung L Ac