patient came due to left shoulder problem(tendonitis) for a few months. si 6 thru sj 5 worked for her shoulder pain very well. after 3 treatments patient states she feels almost no pain in her shoulder. then she said she was interested in fertility treatments.
based on exams she shows damp yin signs lets find out which type
s/s: tend to be hypoglycemic history of kidney stone/nausea, stomach acid, coldness along back and stomach cold hands and feet vertigo borborygmus, itchy eyes/skin, white (egg white) vaginal discharge, palpitations which is not really related to anxiety phlegm in lung but it does not come up and coughing at times when it rains --> joint pain period is heavy with cramps and clots.
according to books I can choose st 36 + SI5 + gb 41 st 43 - for yoo eum
lots of her symptoms indicates she might have damp yin as well then tx: lu 5- kd 10 - (or lu 9 and sp 3 -) lu 10 ht 8 +
would it be possible for a patient to have yoo yin and damp yin at the same time or it is just damp yin case. I will be able to tell after treating her a few times.
tx sp 3 and lu 9 - lu 10 + patient could not take any more needles.
herbs xiong xia tang- chuan xiong ban xia chi fu ling chen pi qing pi zhi ke bai zhi and gan cao