Saturday, May 9, 2009

Strange Foot pain for 4 wks

case #1: 50 yr female patient came due to left foot (dorsal side ST 43 area).
she did not have any injury to her foot. it is swollen and hard. it is so painful to touch.
patient says she feels better with warmth. when exam, she has stomach problems: her stomach feels so cold when it is empty along with moderate indigestion problems.

s/s severe stomach acid. overall, she likes warmth. frequent urination
sleep is good. palpitation on occasions.

st 44 - gb 43 - pain is much better ( so it can be touched)
then St 41 + SI 5 + all for 30 min

pain is gone. swelling is somewhat better.

silimar case:

55 yr old thin female patient suffered from the same kind of pain in her right foot for 2 wks. after it disappeared, she developed swelling whose size is a little bigger than a 25c coin which is located btwn ST 41 and ST 42. it is not painful. her MD wanted to draw water-like pus from it. she came to my office for acupuncture treatment.

s/s: chronic digestion problems. (slight distention after meal.) tenderness in ren 12 upon palpation. cold hands and feet. for the last 6 months she over ate at night and gained about 10 lb. no thirst. prefers summer.

same treatment as above. swelling decreased significantly after 1 st treatment.

it seems internally generated dampness cause lots of different types of foot problems.

Friday, May 8, 2009

what is stomach excess

40 yr old female (healthy looking) patient came in because of her stomach issues. she says for a couple of yrs she suffers from indigestion. often she experiences acid and belching abdominal distention after meals. her appetite is good. ("too good" she says)

other s/s: fatigue, palpitation, numbness in left hand (CTS), slightly constipated, insomnia

to sedate ST, acupuncture points are

LI1 ST 45 - GB 41 ST 43 +

Formula: Ping Wei San

food stagnation for 4 wks

30 yr old male patient came due to indigestion since he had 3 slices of greasy pizza 4 wk ago.

s/s: stomache distention, nausea, no appetite, passing gas, belching, loose stool, abdominal pain when st is bloated. tenderness around ren 14 and 12. slightly worse with stress

Herbs: banxia 8 g, fu ling 4 g, chen pi 6g, ginger. gan cao 3 g (er chen tang) + chuan xiong 6 g, cang zhu 4 g, mai ya 2 g, shen qu 2 g, shan zha 3 g, bai zhu 4 g

patient says he feels hungry after 3 doses.

(i was going to needle SP 4 but patient was afraid of needles. )

Thursday, May 7, 2009

tingling sensation in left hand (fingers)

70 yr old patient came due to tingling sensation in left fingers (all but thumb) for months.
I did exams for neck issues all came out negative.
she has incontinence for yrs and her eyes tears excessively when she is exposed to wind.
(these are kidney signs--BINGO)

tx: Shin Guan (master tong) numbness--about 60% better after one tx.
(perhaps I should also try to tonify KD)

James Jung L Ac

chronic pain and stiffness in neck

neck pain is very common. most people have pain or stiffness in their neck... due to work over use of computer etc.

40 yr old patient came a few weeks ago complaining of chronic neck pain and stiffness. she says
she uses computer all day and her pain is worse towards the end of her work day.

s/s: anxiety, palpitation, history of depression, positive tenderness in gb 21 and si 11, ASCENDING COLD SENSATION AT NIGHT FROM AROUND T12 TO HEAD ALONG UB CHANNEL B/L, indigestion (distension after meal)

tx: SI3 GB 41 + for 3 wks without any success

then focusing on the ascending coldness, did UB 60 + 2 wks

she experineces no pain after 2 sessions.

(Yu YIN) lots problems stem out from Phlegm damp issues