Wednesday, March 31, 2010

chronic fatigue syndrome for 2 yrs

30 yr old female patient cc chronic fatigue for 2 yrs. under stress and anxiety

s/s; slightly heavy body type dizzy when standing up fast from sitting position occasional blurry vision constipation low abdominal pain at times slight indigestion upon stress tightness in neck and back (worse after work or upon stress)
fatigue all the time but worse in the afternoon palpitation sweaty hands feet and arm pit when nervous frequent urination when nervous warm hands and feet and prefers winter over summer thirty and likes to drink cold water
upon palpation low abdomen is tender around st 25 bilaterally and ren 4 area. according to her lots of her s.s came after her childbirth a few yrs ago.

dx LV excess along with slight def.

tx. kd 10 + (abdominal pain is gone about 20%)

lv 2 - ht 8 - (pain is almost gone)

abdominal pain for 2 days

40 yr old female patient cc. abdominal pain with cold sensation

thin body type

without cold hands or feet. but abdomen feels cold for a few days + insomnia for a few days. thin body type. history of recent abortion (3 months ago) slighly constipated for a few days.

no sweating or palpitation or frequent urination

tx: si 2- pain stays the same

gb 41 + pain is gone by 50% or so.

si 3 + pain is slightly better

after 30 min of gb 41 and si 3, pain is almost gone and patient states she feels sleepy.

shoulder arthritis

30 yr old female. cc. right shoulder pain for 4 yrs due to auto accident. recently pain became worse. pain is generally worse when it rains or when it is humid and cold. pain is located along gb and si channels in right shoulder in addition to ub 11-15 area (right side) rom of right shoulder is limited with pain. she states right shoulder seems inflammed all the time.

all other s.s are negative.

dx dampness in SI GB UB (right shoulder)

tx SI 5 + pain is gone. rom became normal.


James Jung L Ac

different knee pain

1. 40 yr old female. cc. left knee pain for 2 days. moderate pain in the joint came after doing too much exercise at the gym. she did not have any previous knee injuries or pain. there is clicking sound in addition to moderate pain along sp channel as she flexes and extends her left knee on the treatment table.

heavy body type. no sign of inflammation. all other s/s are negative.

tx: gb pain in right hand (master tong)

pain was gone after 30 min. upon the second visit she states her knee pain is no longer there.

2. 50 yr old female cc. bilateral knee pain for 1 month without injury. she states she got up with it. pain is located around LV 8 bilaterally. when asked, she says she is under lots of stress.

s.s: heavy body type. she doesnt talk much and looks upset. when i touched the lv 8 area i could feel heat coming out. LV 8 is also tender to touch.

all other s/s negative

tx: lv 2 -

pain disappears.