40 year old female came to my office initially due to pain in her right elbow. According to her MD she has lateral epicondylitis a.k.a tennis elbow and biceps tendinitis
Left LI 11 close to the elbow joint (Master Tong) made her feel better for her right elbow pain
SI 6 Thru SJ 5 on the left treated her biceps tendon pain. So far she came 4 times and biceps tendon pain is gone. tennis elbow pain is much better but still bothers her only when she is typing.
she mentioned she urinates quite frequently. so she gets nervous when she goes out because she needs to know the location of restrooms she can use in case she needs to empty her bladder. she wants to drink water but but she can't because she constantly goes to restroom if she does.
other signs and symptoms
BMI 22
Gassy lower stomach/passing gas
palpitation when she is nervous
vivid dreams at night
cold body temperature (she feels cold all the time especially hands and feet)
waking up a few times at night
SI 3 +
Si 2 -
UB 66 -
after 2 treatments she says she is so happy that finally she can drink lots of water without going the restroom so often. She doesnt feel nervous when she goes out anymore because there is no need to use the restroom that often. I recommended 6 more treatments to make sure her urinary symptoms won't come back for a long time.
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