Friday, January 10, 2014

Fronzen shoulder for 3 months

50 years old male patient tells me he suffered from a frozen shoulder (right) for the last 3 months. His medical doctor's diagnosis is adhesive capsulitis. He can't raise his right shoulder.

signs and symptoms

red complexion especially around zygomatic bone area that is about an inch below the eyes. Type II Diabetic Palpitation upon stress slightly overweight abdominal distention frequent urination He gets up twice at night to urinate. daytime he goes every 3 hours or so. (He also has a habit of mumbling and talking to himself)

Sp3- Ht 7 - Kd10+   

Added ShinGuan ... no further improvement.     I'd like to try SI 1 upon next visit.

after the treatment pain subsided about 50% according to the patient. ROM improved around 20 degrees. then he tells me he has been under a lot of stress because he was laid off a few months ago.

James Jung L Ac

1 week later he tells me pain decreased about 50% and ROM improved about 50% as well. however he still feels pain in right shoulder (worse is along SI channel) and he can't fall asleep due to it.

Tx: SI 1 left side. --> no effect  perhaps because there is no clicking sound associated with his shoulder pain.

ShinGuan ROM improved a lot and pain decrease about 20%.

SI 5 - Pain disappeared.

Third Treatment (He comes weekly)
He says overall he feels much better.  Pain is less but still sharp,constant and bothers him a lot at night

KD 10 +   HT 8 -   Pain decreased a bit on the spot. 

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