Monday, March 4, 2013

Chronic Gout case

Male patient in early 40s came to my office due to pain as a result of his gout.  Severe pain was located in his right ankle and knee causing him to limp.   Affected areas are red and swollen   and very painful to touch. 

His signs/symptoms

Abdominal distention after meals; sleep apnea; waking up multiple times at night; sweaty hands and feet; episodes of gout every month or two; slightly overweight; loves to eat greasy fatty food

Bleeding GB 44 (right side) since GB 40 area is swollen.  then

left GB 38 with reducing technique

all left side  LI 1 - ST 45 - GB 41 + ST 43 +

80 % improvement after 2 sessions within 2 days.

According to classic text gout is due to damp heat....

James Jung L Ac

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