Monday, February 25, 2013

Bakers Cyst

50 Year old female patient came to my office due to pain in her left leg for a few months.
She had a Baker's cyst in the back of her left leg which bursted a few month ago. Since then her whole left leg especially the calf has been so painful.

Other signs/symptoms
Palpitation not related to anxiety; sticky greenish phlegm in the throat which she expectorates in the morning on occasions; bubbly sound in the stomach; dark circles under her eyes, itchiness behind ears, stomach acid, indigestion, abdomenal bloating.

right SP 3 -  (reducing tech)     Pain immediately disappeared.
Modified er chen tang given.

after a week she came back and her pain in leg is gone.  Her complexion/digestion is brighter according to her.

James Jung, L Ac

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