Sunday, June 27, 2010

lots of Dampness

case #1: 40 yr old female (thin body type) cc migrain headache for 20 yrs. pain is a lot worse with dampy weather.

digestion is fine. right thumb arthritis right knee arthritis according to her doctors. heavy sensation in her body. fatigue. no thirst. sinus headache and slight congestion.

tx: SI 5 + LI 5 +

pain disappeared and sinus was cleared. this is damp cold. i wanted to give her herbs but patient refused.

case #2: 30 yr old female patient cc. whole body pain for a few years due to auto accident.

pain is worse with cold dampy weather. pain is worse on the left side from ub 11 to ub 15 area.

no digestion problems

treatment: UB 60 +

James Jung L Ac

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