Monday, March 15, 2010

freiberg infraction for 2 months

30 yr old female patient fell on stairs resulting in a medical condition called Freiberg infraction in her right (#2) toe) patient states her doctor wants to operate on it but she wants to try acupuncture first.

s/s: stiffness in the toe and shooting pain (from #2 toe to heel) in her right foot when she walks. numbness in the toe

other s/s negative.

Sp 3 + LI 11 -

so far she had 5 treatments over 3 wks. initially her right big toe and #2 toe formed a v-shape (about 20 degrees). Now it is about 10 degrees. she can also move her toe freely and feels less stiff and numb in the toe area.

James Jung L Ac

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