30 yr old female came complaining of TMJ pain. She says it is a chronic problem. Left side is worse than right side and pain is worse when she is stressed and tired.
normally, LI 4 is good enough but since it has been there for 10 yrs I asked more questions.
s/s: slightly low blood pressure, thin body type. hands and feet are sweaty and cold. prefers summer. heavy feeling worse with fatigue, dry skin stuffiness in chest, lots of dizzy spells which is worse when she stands up from sitting position, blurry vision pain in her eyes, neck ears are itchy, dry eyes, low ab filled with gas with pain near left st 25 point area, sl acid relux, frequent bowel movement (loose) worse when she is stressed. frequent urination (scanty)
very irregular menses with PMS. right ovary removed due to cyst 7 yrs ago. tai yang HA, right calf spasms at night, cant stay asleep, history of depression and anxiety, fobia, OCD.
there are lots of s/s. some seem to be related to HT, LV, GB, SI...
TX: SI2 - SI 3+ GB 41 + UB 66- (seemed this would be good for her tmj out of all other channels)
TMJ left side is much better. then patient tells me she is always very anxious and recently she is going through lots of stressful and anxious issues.
upon the following visit she tells me she is very pleased with the result. she is not as anxious, palpitation is almost gone and TMJ pain is much better. there is still clicking sound but no pain.
her face did not look deviated anymore.
TX: same as above.
then tried LI4 but did not work. patient says pain is completely gone but again the clicking sound remains the same.
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