Saturday, October 19, 2013

inability to open up an eye due to puffiness of an eye lid for 2 days

25 year old lady told me she couldn't open her right eye due to puffiness of right eye lids for 2 days. It all started with itchiness around medial canthus of her right eye.  morning after rubbing her right eye a few times her eye lid was so puffy she couldnt open her right eye.

Other Signs and symptoms

Recently due to frequent period (2-3x in a month) she was on a birth control pill.  then she started having palpitation and nausea without vomitting along with itchy eyes. her hands get clammy (sweaty) all the time especially when she is nervious. fullness in abdomen after meals. often her face gets puffy in the morning. sometimes she gets constipated but it hasnt bothered her recently. overall body temperature is warm.

SP3- HT 7 - HT 3+    after an hour her eye lid was no longer puffy and she was able to fully open her eyes. itchiness disappeared as well.

according to classic text upper eye lids are associated with digestive system. especially spleen channel and organ. 

James Jung L Ac

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