Saturday, December 19, 2009

knee pain for 1 yr (dry eyes)

"my eyes are killing me..." she added, "they are so dry like sand paper" I have seen a number of patients with dry eyes but she seems to have the driest eyes. even though she came due to her left knee pain, she complained about her eyes more than her knee pain.

she is around 50 yr old and very healthy otherwise. upon palpation there is no tender points around her left knee. she says pain is inside the joint and is worse when she walks up and down the stairs. Pain was induced when she flexed her left knee on the treatment table.

s/s: sightly nausea and st acid. no digestion problems.

tx: sp 3- kd 3 - lu 8 + there is no change.

shin guan 1.5 cun below sp 9 right side 1.5 in -- knee pain dispeared but dry eyes reminded the same.

she surely has some kidney problems. I will try KD 10 + next time in addition to tonifying kd points.

according to classic txt books, all bodily fluid is governed by kd and tear is assoicated with lv.

to be continued

James Jung L Ac

tendonitis case

40 yr old patient has been suffering from tendonitis in her wrist elbow and shoulder for 2 months. she didnt try physical therapy or acupuncture but relied on medication only which just alleviated pain temporarily.

s/s: all negative. it seemed her pain is due to over use.

tx: SI 6 thru SJ 5 opposite side --> shoulder pain is much better. Elbow is slight better. Wrist no change.

LI 11 + opposite side (patient is sl heavy) used it as Master Tong and LI tonifying tech.
Elbow is much better but wrist without change.

Luo Zen (opposite side since pain is located around LI and SJ channels)---wrist pain is gone.

so far she received 2 tx, wrist pain is no longer there. Elbow is about 60% better and shoulder is about 50% better.

James Jung L Ac

Friday, December 18, 2009

another LV 1 case

30 yr old male patient came in due to indigestion for 2 days. while he was working in the cold weather he heard bad news: his friend was badly injured due to an accident.
he immediately felt a "knot" in his stomach and since then he had stomach issues

s/s: pain in ren 12ren 14 area when pressed. foul smell belching and gas, no appetite, cold hands and feet(normally he has warm hands and feet) , cold sweat, abdominal distention.


1st point- PC 6 left side --> patient says he feels a little better. ren 14 is less painful.

2nd point-st 41 - then + again patient feels a bit better

this is liver invading sp.

LV 1 - 80 % better right away as needle was stimulated.

patient felt no stomach pain the next day.