Friday, February 19, 2010

use of gol guan - low back pain

30 yr old patient has been coming due to acute low back pain for 2 months. pain is almost gone but sharp pain around si joint area lingers.

pain is not due to any zhang fu disorder

tx: gol guan

pain is reduced by about 60 %

if this point worked perhaps UB 67 + might work better. (next visit i would like to try gol guan but after UB 67 +) --patient is tall n thin.

chronic asthma

50 yr old female patient states she was hospitalized for 1 day due to asthma attack. she came to my office for a treatment.

s/s: crawling sensation along right side ub channels in the back. itchy eyes and ears, dark circles under eyes. poor digestion poor appetite diarrhea loose stool frequent vaginal infection (excessive vaginal mucus) spitting out phlegm in the morning nausea stomach acid. oppression in the chest. heavy sluggish feeling when it is humid or rainy. palpitations...pain in ren 14 12 areas (+ cold sensations in the st area) prefers warmth.

asthma is triggered by upset stomach all the time. stress triggers upset stomach at times

dx phlegm in st and lu (mainly in the st)

tx. lv 1 - ht 8 + (tonifying sp)

(was going to do lu 9- sp 3- ht 8 lu 10 + but changed to tonifying sp because all of her symptoms stem out from sp issues.

after this treatment her stomach and breathing improved. want to try sp 3 - next time to compare it to tonifying sp formula.

chronic low back pain qi deficiency

tall male patient came due to chronic low back pain (not related to injuries) for 2 yrs. he has two jobs (day and night) and doesnt have enough sleep. body feels heavy and he is always tired. his voice is low and he speaks slowly.

pain is located L5 S1 area (du meridian) low back area is stiff. slr is positive for both legs at 50 degrees with pain.

tx: ling ku (master tong) bilaterally. rom improved to 90 degrees without pain.

perhaps i can tonify LI channel next time.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pain in right foot

50 years old female patient came to my clinic and complaining of right dorsal foot pain for 1 month. She describes her pain as sharp, and feels like heat in the area.

s/s: constipation, insomnia, foot pain along with ST and GB ch, good appetite, poor digestion, gassy and bloating after eating. pain in all fingers.

tx: ST 43 + --> pain is gone after tx.

wanted to gb 41 + but pain disappeared completely after st 43. according to korean four needle acupuncture reducing stomach points are
LI 1 ST 45 -
GB 41ST 43 +
it is so interesting to see this case st and gb channels are affected and ST GB LI organs are also affected making this acupuncture formula nearly perfect to treat her conditions.

after 4 treatments pain in the foot is gone. Pain in fingers and digestion problem are much better.

according to the TREASURE OF EASTERN MEDICINE, when the blood vessel on the dorsal of foot yang ming channel (ST) is affected.

so far I have treated about 5 patients like this and all were treated using st channels.

James Jung L Ac