Thursday, November 5, 2009

Occipital Headache and neck pain for a few days

30 yr old female patient came to my office. first thing she said was " I am so stressed! and I have a terrible headache"

when patients tell me such complaints I usually think of HT LV SI GB channels t o be continued

pain in foot

patient in her early 50s came due to chronic pain in her foot. it is located in the sole of her left foot btwn 2nd and 3rd toes.

overall she showed signs of SI deficiency however tonifying SI did not help pain in her foot.

tx: wu hu #5 ---> did not work at all then tried wuhu number 4.

pain disappeared immediately. the distance btwn these two points is about 2 mm or 0.2 cm i e one tenth of an inch. there are two different theories regarding location of wuhu points. the one i used (#4) is 1/10 inch proximal to wuhu #3.