Saturday, December 19, 2009

tendonitis case

40 yr old patient has been suffering from tendonitis in her wrist elbow and shoulder for 2 months. she didnt try physical therapy or acupuncture but relied on medication only which just alleviated pain temporarily.

s/s: all negative. it seemed her pain is due to over use.

tx: SI 6 thru SJ 5 opposite side --> shoulder pain is much better. Elbow is slight better. Wrist no change.

LI 11 + opposite side (patient is sl heavy) used it as Master Tong and LI tonifying tech.
Elbow is much better but wrist without change.

Luo Zen (opposite side since pain is located around LI and SJ channels)---wrist pain is gone.

so far she received 2 tx, wrist pain is no longer there. Elbow is about 60% better and shoulder is about 50% better.

James Jung L Ac

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