Friday, July 6, 2012

strange foot and angle pain for 2 years

50 year old female patient with somewhat strange foot pain.  Pain is located in her right foot and ankle. She never had any injuries to her foot or ankle. Gradual onset. Pain is worse with pressure and activities and touch. She was creaming when i was examining her foot with my hand due to pain.

History of Lupus 1980s and total hysterectomy  and total hip replacement (right)

Patient is slightly obese.  Thick white tongue coat Abdominal distention. occasional stomach acid.
Severe sleeping problems. she cant fall asleep and wakes up many times throughout the night. Pain is worse with cold damp weather.

Itchy skin near ears and face. No cold or hot s/s. 

Tx: LI 1- GB 41+ St 45 -

on her second visit she tells me it feels a lot better and she can walk better. right foot is no longer painful to touch or pressure.

James Jung L Ac

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