Sunday, March 20, 2011

Breast Cancer

30 yr old female patient came in for moderate pain in right chest rib flank area after the removal of her right breast due to cancer 1 yr ago.

patient is thin and under lots of anxiety and stress. she suffers from fatigue and severe insomnia. at times she experiences left side hypochondriac pain. though she says her digestion is normal, she had pain and tenderness along Ren from 15 down to 3. (all located in the abdomen)

other signs and symptoms: palpitation, occasional vivid dreams, frequent urination-once every 1-2 hours, she gets up to urinate at lease once every night.

treatment: GB 41 + (right side) then SJ 5 (left side)

after 30 min of treatment, she felt no pain in her abdomen upon palpation. all pain was gone and she could breath deeper.

James Jung L Ac

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