Saturday, September 25, 2010

vertigo for few days

55 yr old female cc vertigo for a few days.

s/s pale complextion without cold hands and feet, nausea, indigestion, abdominal bloating, she had an episode of vertigo a yr ago too. back then she had stuffy chest but not this time
she is thin and has low appetite.

when she turns had she experiences dizziness.

upon palpation ren 14 and 12 area are tender

tx: sp 3 - ren 14 12 tenderness disappears!

then lu 9-

overall she feels better but vertigo is not completely gone.

sp 3- lu 9- resulted in 25% improvement according to patient

lu 10 ht 8 + resulted in additional 50 % improvement.

James Jung L Ac

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