Wednesday, March 31, 2010

chronic fatigue syndrome for 2 yrs

30 yr old female patient cc chronic fatigue for 2 yrs. under stress and anxiety

s/s; slightly heavy body type dizzy when standing up fast from sitting position occasional blurry vision constipation low abdominal pain at times slight indigestion upon stress tightness in neck and back (worse after work or upon stress)
fatigue all the time but worse in the afternoon palpitation sweaty hands feet and arm pit when nervous frequent urination when nervous warm hands and feet and prefers winter over summer thirty and likes to drink cold water
upon palpation low abdomen is tender around st 25 bilaterally and ren 4 area. according to her lots of her s.s came after her childbirth a few yrs ago.

dx LV excess along with slight def.

tx. kd 10 + (abdominal pain is gone about 20%)

lv 2 - ht 8 - (pain is almost gone)

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